COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate(Vaccine Passport)

ページ番号1006490  更新日 令和4年12月7日


COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (Vaccine Passport) is issued at the request of persons who are vaccinated COVID-19 vaccine. 2 types of Vaccine Passport can be issued in paper and digital form.

  • Domestic Vaccine Passport : For domestic use in Japan
  • Domestic and International Vaccine Passport : For international travel and domestic use in Japan

※Please click next link for the countries where the Vaccine Passport is effective. (Jump to external link)

※For domestic use in Japan, "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19" or "Record of Vaccination for COVID-19" continue to be used as a valid proof of vaccinaton so you may not need the Vaccine Passport. Please click next link.

Whats's new (updated on August 17)

You can get the Vaccine Passport at eligible convenience stores.

Who's eligible

Persons who register as Zama city resident and received the COVID-19 vaccination using the vaccination ticket issued by Zama city

Person who can NOT apply:

  • Persons who haven't received the COVID-19 vaccination
  • Persons who haven't received the COVID-19 vaccination under the Japanese Vaccination Law (local employee on US forces in Japan who received a vaccination in the base, person vaccinated using the privately imported vaccine, person participated in a clinical traials in Japan, etc.)


Digital Vaccine Passport

Please apply through the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Application on your smartphone.
Please click for more information. (Jump to external link)

App Store


Google Play Store

二次元コード(新型コロナワクチン接種証明書アプリのGoogle PlayウェブサイトのURL

Necessary documents

  • My Number Card (Individual Number Card) and PIN (4 digit numbers)
  • Valid passport for your travel (Only for Domestic and International Vaccine Passport)
  • ※It will take time to get My Number Card, so please make sure you have enough time to apply if you don't have My Number Card.
  • ※The digital Vaccine Passport can't be updated automatically, so please apply new Vaccine Passpot if you received 2nd, 3rd or 4th dose after the Vaccine Passport is issued.


Paper Vaccine Passport

When you have lost your "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19" or "Record of Vaccination for COVID-19", please apply the Domestic Vaccine Passport. For domestic use in Japan, "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19" or "Record of Vaccination for COVID-19" continue to be used as a valid proof of vaccinaton so you may not need the Vaccine Passport.

Apply at the convenience store

In Zama city, you can apply at the eligible convenience store of Seven-Eleven Japan.

Necessary documents

  • My Number Card (Individual Number Card) and PIN (4 digit numbers)
  • Issuance fee (120yen)
  • Certificate for international travel and domestic use in Japan issued after July 21, 2022 at the municipal office or through the app. (Only for Domestic and International Vaccine Passport)
    ※The number of your passport of this certificate and the number of your passport which you use for your travel must be the same. 

※It will take time to get My Number Card, so please make sure you have enough time to apply if you don't have My Number Card.

How to apply

  1. Find the computer terminal for Vaccine Passport in the eligible convenience store, and select the language you want.
  2. Follow the instructions.

Available time

6:30 a.m. ~ 11:00 p.m. (every day except maintenance time)

Please note

  • ※Refunds will not be accepted after issuance, except in the case of printing defects.
  • ※It's useful to bring your vaccination documents such as "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19" or "Record of Vaccination for COVID-19", to check the contents by yourself before issuing with the computer terminal in the covenience store.

Apply by postal mail

Necessary documents

  • Application form (attached below)
    Please write down your daytime phone number when you fill out the form.
  • Copy of identification document (driver's license, insurance card, etc)
  • Copy of "Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19" or "Record of Vaccination for COVID-19"
  • Self-addressed, 84yen-stamped return envelope
  • Copy of valid passport for your travel
    (Only for Domestic and International Vaccine Passport)

Necessary documents in some cases

  • If your name on your passport is different from your name now, please prepare the identity verification document which can confirm both of your names.
  • When someone apply for your Vaccine Passport instead of you, the letter of attorney with your sign on it is required.

Mailing address

New Coronavirus Vaccination Promotion Division
Zama City Hall

  • It may take about 1-2 weeks to receive the Vaccine Passport after the application is accepted, so please make sure you have enough time to apply.
  • If you are in a hurry, please put extra charge stamps on the return envelope for express delivery.
  • Please make sure that you fill out the application form correctly and send all required documents to get the Vaccine Passport.



COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Phone number: 0120-761-770 (toll free)
Open Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 9 :00 p.m. (every day including weekends and holidays)


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