The COVID-19 Vaccine 1st dose and 2nd dose

ページ番号1006485  更新日 令和5年5月17日


There might be a change of schedule or system, so please check the information here as needed.

About the vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination is not mandating vaccination

Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects.
People 12-15 years require the parental consent with parental sign on the Pre-vaccination Screening Questionnaire.
Please do not force anyone to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.

Eligible people

People 12 years and older who are Zama residents and haven't received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Children 12-15 years old must be accompanied by a parent / guardian. If they can't come, the relatives (18 years and older) who know the health condition of the children can accompany. Please be sure to fill out the Prevaccination screening questionnaire with 1. Parent's signature on the consent section and 2. Emergency contact phone number.

For the vaccination at the medical institutions, if the doctor permits, the junior high school students doesn't need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian. For detail, please cotact the medical institution you would like to visit.

Schedule of the vaccination ticket

We have sent the vaccination ticket to the registered residence address.
Person who turns 12 years old can still use the children's vaccination ticket sent from Zama city.

About the vaccine

Pfizer vaccine

Can COVID-19 vaccine be given at the same time as other vaccines?

COVID-19 vaccine and influenza vaccine can be given at the same time. When you receive those vaccines at the different medical institutions on the same day, please talk with the doctor. (At the group vaccination in Zama city, you can't receive the COVID-19 vaccine if you recceive the influenza vaccine on the same day)

2 weeks (13 days) before and after of your COVID-19 vaccination date, you can NOT receive other vaccine except the influenza vaccine.

COVID19 vaccination and influenza vaccination on the same day at the same medical institution you can
COVID19 vaccination and influenza vaccination on the same day but at the different medical institution please talk with the doctor
Influenza vaccination at the medical institution and COVID-19 vaccination at the group vaccination site on the same day you can't

Things you need to bring

Things you need to bring
1 The set of vaccination ticket sent from Zama City Please do NOT peel off the seal on the vaccination ticket.
2 Prevaccination Screening Questionnaire Please fill out the Questionnaire. Please do NOT use pencil or erasable ballpoint pen.

Identity verification card/document

(vaccinated person)

Driver's license, My Number Card, Insurance card, etc.

Identity verification card/document


A parent/guardian who is accompanied with vaccinated person under 15 years old, needs to bring the Identity verification card/document also.
Driver's license, My Number Card, Insurance card, etc.
5 Prescription record Only the person who has it.
6 Ballpoint pen  Please bring yours if you don't want to use the one prepared at the venue.
7 Body thermometer Please bring yours if you don't want to use the one prepared at the venue.
8 Certification of accepting the application form to receive the vaccination outside of registered city Only the person who apply to receive the vaccination outside of registered city.

Clothes for the vaccination

Please come in clothes that can easily show your shoulder for the vaccination.
The temperature of the air-conditioner differs depending on the vaccination site, so please bring your clothes that you can adjust to the temperature.


Vaccination at the medical institutions

Vaccination place

Please click below to see the detail information.

Vaccination date / How to make a reservation

It differs depending on the medical institutions.
Please check the guidance sheet which has been sent with the vaccination ticket and contact them directly.



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