The COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

ページ番号1006484  更新日 令和5年2月1日


Information about the COVID-19 vaccination in Zama City

The information depends on how many doses of COVID-19 vaccination you have received. Please click below for more detail information.


Purpose and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination

The report says that COVID-19 vaccine can reduce the risk of getting the virus that causes COVID-19. Also, it can help protect people from getting sick or severely ill with COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccinations are FREE of charge. Although we encourage you to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is NOT compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after medical examination and the information provided by doctor. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects.


Side effects

There is a possibility that you may have some symptoms of side effects after a few days of vaccination (From the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare page). They should go away in a few days.

Side effects after the vaccination




  • Pain in the injected area
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the injected area
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhea (Stomachache)
  • Fever
  • Swollen injected area
  • Joint pain
  • Chills
  • Feel sick and vomiting
  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Fever
  • Swollen injected area
  • Skin turns red
1%~10% Feel sick and vomiting

Pain, swollen injected area or skin turns red a week after the vaccination

Right after the vaccination

If you have one of the symptoms below within 15 minutes after the vaccination, please let the staff know at the venue.

  • Feel dizzy
  • Feel like vomiting
  • Blood pressure goes down
  • Skin turns red
  • Itchy body
  • Itchy throat
  • Lose voice
  • Hard to breathe
  • Stomachache
  • Hard to see

Reference links


About the vaccine

The vaccines provided for the COVID-19 vaccination in Zama City are "Pfizer" and "Moderna". You can check the vaccine when you make your reservation.
※They may change in the future. We will update the information here.


Call Centers for COVID-19 vaccination

Zama COVID-19 Vaccination Call Center

  • Phone:0120-115-875 (toll-free)
  • Hours:10:00a.m. ~ 07:00p.m. (every day)
  • You can ask about COVID-19 vaccination and can make a reservation
  • 19 languages below are available.

English 英語 (えいご) / 中文 中国語(北京語)ちゅうごくご(ぺきんご)/
한국어 韓国語(かんこくご)/ Españolスペイン語(すぺいんご)/
Portuguêsポルトガル語(ぽるとがるご)/ françaisフランス語(ふらんすご)/
italianoイタリア語(いたりあご)/ русскийロシア語(ろしあご)/
Deutscheドイツ語(どいつご)/ Tagalogタガログ語(たがろぐご)/
සිංහලシンハラ語(しんはらご)/ Tiếng Việtベトナム語(べとなむご)/
ភាសាខ្មែរクメール語(くめーるご)/ ภาษาไทยタイ語(たいご)/
မြန်မာဘာသာစကားミャンマー語(みゃんまーご)/ Melayuマレー語(まれーご)
Bahasa Indonesiaインドネシア語(いんどねしあご)/
नेपाली भाषाネパール語(ねぱーるご)/ онгол хэлモンゴル語(もんごるご)

Procedure for making a reservation

Please tell these below to the call center agent.

  1. Your vaccination ticket number (10 digit numbers)
  2. Your birthday
  3. The venue, date and time you want to receive the vaccination


Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare COVID-19 Call Center

  • Phone:0120-761770(toll-free)
  • Hours:09:00a.m.~ 09:00p.m.(everyday)
  • You can ask about COVID-19 vaccine.

Please check Japanese Federation of the Deaf page below for deaf and hard of hearing people.

Kanagawa Prefecture Side Effects of COVID-19 vaccination Call Center

This Call Center is about side effects of COVID-19 vaccination provided by Kanagawa prefecture.
You can't get the information about the medical institutions.

  • Phone:045-285-0719
  • Hours:Available 24 hours (everyday)
  • You can ask about the side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.

You can't get the information about medical institutions. If you want to see a doctor, please ask your home doctor or contact the medical institution where you received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Information about COVID-19 vaccination



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