Applicaton for Certificate of Taxation / Tax Exemption

ページ番号1006496  更新日 令和4年12月7日



This application form is used for certificate of taxation / tax exemption of municipal / prefectural residents tax. 

How to get the application form

Please click the link below to download the form. If you can't download, please prepare a paper and write down the required information.


Application Form for Certificate of Taxation / Tax Exemption

  1. Current Address
  2. Address in Zama City
  3. Name
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Daytime Phone Number
  6. Fiscal Year of Certificate You Need
    Ex.: Taxation certificate for fiscal year 2020
    (income for 2019)
  7. Number of Copies You Need
  8. Purpose of Use ( Place of Submission)

Eligible Applicants

  • Person himself / herself who need the certificate
  • Family members of the same household living together and listed on the certificate of residence.( If the person who need the certificate lives outside of Zama City, the Letter of Attorney is required.)
  • An authorized agent ( The Letter of Attorney is required.)

Application reception counter

  • Municipal Tax Division ( 2nd floor of Zama City Hall)
    • Office hours:8:30AM-5:15PM
    • Address: 1-1-1 Midorigaoka, Zama City, Kanagawa
    • Postal code: 252-8566
    • Phone: 046-252-8833
  • Zama city branch office
    East branch office / West branch office / South branch office/ North branch office


300 yen per issue 

What to bring

Valid Identity verification card / document

※Please bring one photo identification which has NOT expired. If you have identification without your photo, please bring two valid identity verification card / documents. 

How to apply by mail

Please send the following items to the Municipal Tax Division.

  1. Completed Application form
  2. Photocopy of valid identity verification card / document ( See above)
  3. Postal money order covering exact amount of the fee
  4. Self-addressed stamped envelope

 ※The postal money order should be issued within 6 months, and please do not write down anything on both sides of it.


  • When you have an agent to apply instead of you or your family legal representative, the letter of attorney and the photocopy of his / her valid photo identification are required.
  • When you have legal representative to apply instead of you, the legal document proving that he / she is your legal representative and the photocopy of his / her valid photo identification are required.
  • Please photocopy both sides of identity verification card / document.


人権・男女共同参画課 多文化共生係
〒252-8566 座間市緑ケ丘一丁目1番1号
電話番号:046-252-8035 ファクス番号:046-252-0220